Matthias Groebel
Matthias Groebel came to art in the early 1980s as an autodidact and has since cultivated a distinctive body of work comprising painting, drawing, video, and photography rooted in technological and cybernetic experimentation. In the late 80s, Groebel developed a painting machine that enabled him to transfer moving images onto canvas,capturing scenes from broadcast TV and later his own video footage. Exploring themes of voyeurism, surveillance, and gentrification, Groebel’s work traces the proliferation of “poor” images that accompanied the democratization of media at the cusp of the digital age, capturing the psychological currents underlying narratives of progress.

Matthias Groebel, Untitled, 1992
acrylic on canvas (computer-assisted painting)
95 × 95 cm

Matthias Groebel, Untitled , 1985
oil on canvas
95 × 95 cm

Matthias Groebel, L1595, 1995
acrylic on canvas (computer-assisted painting)
95 × 95 cm

Matthias Groebel, Untitled , 1988

Matthias Groebel, Untitled, 1993
acrylic on canvas (computer-assisted painting)
95 × 95 cm

Machine Painting, 2024
Modern Art, London, UK
Installation view

Matthias Groebel, Untitled, 2004
acrylic on canvas (computer-assisted painting)
80 × 110 cm

Matthias Groebel, The Rhythms of Reception, 2022
Schiefe Zähne, Berlin
Installation view

Matthias Groebel, Untitled (193), 2005
acrylic on canvas (computer-assisted painting)
80 × 110

Matthias Groebel, Untitled (193), 2005

Matthias Groebel, tower house, 2005 - 2006
acrylic on canvas (computer-assisted painting)
220 × 235 cm (6 panels)

Matthias Groebel, chemical, 2024
Schiefe Zähne, Berlin, DE
Installation view

Matthias Groebel, Untitled, 1992
acrylic on canvas (computer-assisted painting)
95 × 95 cm

Matthias Groebel, Untitled , 1988
photo emulsion and oil on canvas
95 × 95 cm

Matthias Groebel, Untitled, 1993

Matthias Groebel, Untitled, 1994
acrylic on canvas (computer-assisted painting)
95 × 95 cm

Matthias Groebel, A Change in Weather (Broadcast Material 1989-2001), 2022
Kunstverein für die Rheinlande und Westfalen, Düsseldorf
Installation view

Matthias Groebel, The Rhythms of Reception, 2022
Schiefe Zähne, Berlin
Installation view

Matthias Groebel, Untitled (067), 2006
acrylic on canvas (computer-assisted painting)
80 × 110

Matthias Groebel, phantoms all around me, 2024
Gathering, London, UK
Installation view

Matthias Groebel, Untitled (194), 2004

Matthias Groebel, Untitled , 1986
signed and dated on reverse side
photo emulsion and oil on canvas
95 × 95 cm

Matthias Groebel, L0598, 1998
acrylic on canvas (computer-assisted painting)
95 × 95 cm

Matthias Groebel, Untitled, 1991
acrylic on canvas (computer-assisted painting)
95 × 95 cm

Matthias Groebel, chemical, 2024
Schiefe Zähne, Berlin, DE
Installation view

Matthias Groebel, L0796, 1996
acrylic on canvas (computer-assisted painting)
95 × 210 cm

Excerpt from Matthias Groebel Trusted Faces, 1995/2022, Video Loop, 02:41

Sammlung Jetzt: 4 Parkbänke mit 4 Papierkörben, 2024
Albertinum, Dresden, DE
Installation view

Matthias Groebel, Avid Signals (Broadcast Material 1989 - 2001), 2021
Galerie Bernhard, Zürich, CH
Installation view

Matthias Groebel, Hacked channels #11, 2000
acrylic on canvas (computer-assisted painting)
115 × 100 cm

Matthias Groebel, Hacked Channels #12, 2000
acrylic on canvas (computer-assisted painting)
110 × 95 cm
Machine Painting
Tauba Auerbach, Matthias Groebel, Peter Halley, Jaqueline Humphries, Albert Oehlen, Sigmar Polke, Seth Price, Avery Singer, Reena Spaulings, Christopher Kulendran Thomas, Wolfgang Tillmans, Rosemarie Trockel, Jack Whitten, Christopher Wool
Modern Art, London, UK
October 6 – December 14, 2024

15th Gwangju Biennale
Matthias Groebel
September 7 – December 1, 2024

Matthias Groebel
phantoms all around me
Gathering, London, UK
March 14 – April 20, 2024

Matthias Groebel
A Change in Weather (Broadcast Material 1989-2001)
Kunstverein für die Rheinlande und Westfalen, Düsseldorf
December 10, 2022 – February 26, 2023

Matthias Groebel
the rhythms of reception
April 30 – June 4, 2022

Noor Abuarafeh, Ariella Azoulay, Linda Bilda, Bertolt Brecht, KP Brehmer, Vlassis Caniaris, Larry W. Cook, Josefin Fischer, Michèle Graf & Selina Grüter, Matthias Groebel, Elisabeth Hauptmann, Verena Kathrein & Ariane Müller, Tiphanie Kim Mall, Genesis P-Orridge, Sophie Reinhold, Ronald M. Schernikau, LeRoy Stevens, ariella tai, Agnès Varda
conceived by Elisa R. Linn, Sophie Reinhold and Ariane Müller
January 20 – March 4, 2022

Matthias Groebel
Avid Signals (Broadcast Material 1989 - 2001)
Galerie Bernhard, Zürich
September 17 – October 29, 2021
curated by Andreas Selg

Selected Press
GHOSTS AND THE MACHINE, Matthias Groebel bei Schiefe Zähne, Berlin, und Drei, Köln, by Anna Sinofzik, Texte zur Kunst, 2024
Matthias Groebel's Monuments to Uncertain Memories, by Jeppe Ugelvig, Frieze Magazine, 2024
Voyeur of himself, Matthias Groebel in conversation with Hans-Christian Dany, STUDIO Magazine, 2024
- Mattias Groebel, an interview by Louis Dufreche and Antoine Clauss, Arcane, Issue 1, 2023
Matthias Groebel sees the world through screens, by Sara Quattrocchi Febles, Plaster Magazine, 2024
Critics' Pick: Matthias Groebel at Ulrik, New York, by Madeline Casteel, 2023
The Preserving Maschine of Matthias Groebel, by Sterre Barenten, Momus, 2023
Zwischen Albtraum und Voyeurismus, by Regine Müller, TAZ, 2023 (german)
Eine Malmaschine für die Zeitenwende – Matthias Groebel im Kunstverein Düsseldorf, by Georg Imdahl, FAZ, 2023 (german)
From the Engine Room: Matthias Groebel, by Moritz Scheper, Mousse Magazine 80, 2022
Matthias Groebel at Universal Concepts Unlimited by Christopher Chambers, Flash Art, 2004
Art in a Complex System – The Paintings of Matthias Groebel by Helen Sloan, PAJ, 2002
Matthias Groebel
born 1958, Aachen, Germany
lives and works in Cologne, Germany
Solo Exhibtions
Skull Fuck, Modern Art, London, UK
chemical, Schiefe Zähne, Berlin, DE
phantoms all around me, Matthias Groebel, Gathering, London UK -
Matthias Groebel, Ulrik, New York, USA
A Change in Weather (Broadcast Material 1989-2001), Kunstverein für die Rheinlande und Westfalen, Düsseldorf
The Rhythms of Reception, Schiefe Zähne, Berlin
Satellites Cast No Shadow (curated by Andreas Selg), Drei, Cologne, DE -
Avid Signals (Broadcast Material 1989 - 2001) (curated by Andreas Selg), Galerie Bernhard, Zurich, CH
Embedded Painting, Praxis Staat, Cologne, DE
Save from Demons, Livingroom, Cologne, DE
Collective Memories, Universal Concepts Unlimited, New York, USA
Vanishing Points, Universal Concepts Unlimited, New York, USA
Fishing For Compliments, Galerie Berndt, Cologne, DE
Das neutrale Netz (with Joseph Nechvatal), Galerie Karin Sachs, Munich
new.clear_wave, Galerie Berndt, Cologne, DE -
1996 (with Joseph Nechvatal), In Situ, Aalst, Belgium, BE
Matthias Groebel, Galerie Berndt, Cologne, DE
18+(5)+13, Neuer Aachener Kunstverein (Kabinett), Aachen, DE
Group Exhibitions
Sammlung Jetzt – 4 Parkbänke mit 4 Papierkörben, Albertinum, Dresden
Jahresgaben, Koelnischer Kunstverein, Cologne
Machine Painting, Modern Art, London, UK
15th Gwangju Biennale, curated by Nicolas Bourriaud, Gwangju, South Korea
Multi-User Dungeon (MUD), curated by Simon Denny, Petzel Gallery, New York, US
I Call It Home, My Hell, Drei at Bel Ami, Los Angeles
Hoi Köln, Part 3: Albtraum Malerei, Kölnischer Kunstverein, Cologne -
Hoi Köln, Teil 2: Im Bauch der Maschine, Kölnischer Kunstverein, Cologne, DE
Dowsing, curated by Nick Irvin, Layr, Vienna, AT
Interests, Schiefe Zähne, Berlin
Gruppenausstellung mit Claudia Schiffer, WAF Galerie, Vienna, AT
Basel Social Club, Basel,CH
Under a Machine Thing, Francis.Irv, New York, USA
Unto Dust, Fitzpatrick Gallery, Paris, FR -
Only One Step From Heaven, curated by Reine Aliénor, La SIRA, Asnière-sur-Seine, FR
The Wig, Bonner Kunstverein, Bonn, DE
Mit Parallelität von Widersprüchen wird Komplexes missverständlicher, Schiefe Zähne, Berlin -
Tele-Gen, Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein, Vaduz, FL
Tele-Gen, Kunstmuseum, Bonn, DE
Human Frames, Werkstatt der Kulturen, Berlin
Human Frames, The Substation, Singapore, SG
Human Frames, KIT Kunst im Tunnel, Düsseldorf, DE -
Keine Clowns, nur harte Typen, The Forgotten Bar, Berlin
Soul Stripper, Project Midi, Brussels, BE
Vital Signs, Maya Stendhal Gallery, New York, USA
Museum del Arte Moderno, Medellin, Colombia & Portobello Film Festival, London, UK
Closed Circuit International Film Festival, Rotterdam, NL -
self-ish, scicult, London, UK
Rheinschau, Art Cologne Projects, Cologne, DE -
One Day Preview, art2b, Cologne, DE
T.O.S.C., Universal Concepts Unlimited, New York, USA -
Reality Revisited (conceived by Matthias Groebel), In Situ, Aalst, BE
Reality Revisited (conceived by Matthias Groebel), Galerie Martin Kudlek, Cologne, DE -
Swiss Embassy, Berlin
R.E.D. (Remote Experience Dependency), Universal Concepts Unlimited, New York, USA
Videotheque, Kunst Zürich 2000, Zurich, CH -
Untitled Exhibition, de Willem3, Vlissingen, NL
Reflex, Galerie Berndt, Cologne, DE
Links, Provinciehuis, Maastricht, NL -
Robot Paintings & Sound Installations, In Situ, Aalst, BE
In Situ te Gast, Watertoren, Vlissingen, NL
…wie gemalt, Neuer Aachener Kunstverein, Aachen
Redefining Convention, Haines Gallery, San Francisco, USA
Ana’Logos, Stockholm Art Fair, Stockholm, SE -
Ideen, Skizzen, Gedanken, Galerie Karin Sachs, Munich, DE
Compkuenstlerg, Künstlerwerkstatt Lothringer Straße, Munich, DE
Matthias Groebel - The Image-Sweep, Monograph, Edition Patrick Frey, 2022
TELEGEN, exhibition catalogue, pp. 266-270, Hirmer Publishers
Ted Serios - A book of spells, Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein
Frank Popper, From Technological to Virtual Art, pp. 95-99, The MIT Press
new.clear_wave, exhibition catalogue, Galerie Berndt, Cologne
Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein, Vaduz, Liechtenstein
Collection of The Federal Republic of Germany