Philipp Simon
Philipp Simon’s work, centred around drawing, explores consciousness and the construction of identity as he probes the boundaries of inner and outer states, of Self and world. As Simon unveils the interfaces between rational understanding and sensation, societal constructs are called into question. Often, his drawings are embedded in sculptural structures that aim to disrupt the aura of the exhibition space. The collapse of life into the supposedly autonomous realm of art repeats itself in Simon’s use of exhibition space, as well as in his choice of materials, employing collage, frottage, and pre-used paper, that render the conditions of production visible.

Philipp Simon, Pattern seen from Inside, 2023
collage, pencil, ball pen and marker on paper
29,7 × 42 cm

Philipp Simon, IR 4.2 C, 2024
pencil on paper, hand-made frame, museum glass
43 × 103,5 × 2,4 cm

TARGET GROUP SHOW, Braunsfelder, Cologne, Germany
Exhibition view

Philipp Simon, IR2.5CotB, 2023
pencil on paper, hand-made frame, museum glass
43 × 60 × 2,4 cm (drawing 29,7 × 42 cm)

Philipp Simon, IR2.4A, 2023
pencil on paper, hand-made frame, museum glass
42 × 57 × T 2,4 cm (drawing 29,7 × 36 cm)

Philipp Simon, The Big Picture, 2021
Schiefe Zähne, Berlin, DE
Exhibition view

Philipp Simon, Board 06, 2021
UV print on foil on paper, veneer on chipboard
86 × 60 cm

Philipp Simon, Board 03, 2021
UV print on foil on paper, veneer on chipboard
86 × 60 cm

Philipp Simon, Board 01, 2021
UV print on foil on paper, veneer on chipboard
86 × 60 cm

Philipp Simon, image, natural, drama, others, situation, voyeuristic, behavior, kirchner, city, bw, afterwards, gray, 1900, 2017
pencil on paper
25,5 × 21cm
![Philipp Simon, IR 2.18 TS [The System], 2024pencil on paper, hand-made frame, museum glass43 × 60 × 2,4 cm](/media/images/Philipp_Simon_13_01.width-1200.jpg)
Philipp Simon, IR 2.18 TS [The System], 2024
pencil on paper, hand-made frame, museum glass
43 × 60 × 2,4 cm

Philipp Simon, Yin-Yang, 2023
pencil, ball pen and marker on paper
21,2 × 39,5 cm

Philipp Simon, Rooted in Roots, 2023 | Philipp Simon, Moralism everywhere, 2023
![Philipp Simon, Bin in 5 min zurück [Be back in 5 min], 2021ball pen and marker on paper21 × 29,7 cm](/media/images/SZ_PS_DIESEL_ONLY_23.width-1200.jpg)
Philipp Simon, Bin in 5 min zurück [Be back in 5 min], 2021
ball pen and marker on paper
21 × 29,7 cm

Philipp Simon, IR2.3DH, 2023
pencil on paper, hand-made frame, museum glass
43 × 60 × 2,4 cm (drawing 29,7 × 42 cm)

Philipp Simon, IR2.1F, 2023
pencil on paper, hand-made frame, museum glass
43 × 60 × 2,4 cm (drawing 29,7 × 42 cm)

Philipp Simon, Untitled, 2023
TARGET GROUP SHOW, Braunsfelder, Cologne, Germany

Philipp Simon, Board 02, 2021
UV print on foil on paper, veneer on chipboard
86 × 60 cm

Philipp Simon, The Big Picture, 2021
Schiefe Zähne, Berlin, DE
Exhibition view

Philipp Simon, image, natural, drama, man, life, wind, boredom, isolation, handsome, q&d, freedom, vangogh, desire, 2017
pencil on paper
29,7 cm × 21 cm

Philipp Simon, DIESEL–ONLY, 2023
Schiefe Zähne, Berlin, DE
Exhibition view

Philipp Simon, View from the Beach, 2023
pencil, ball pen on paper
29,7 × 42 cm

Philipp Simon, „Ok, let‘s go.“, 2023
collage, pencil and ball pen on paper
29,7 × 42 cm

Philipp Simon, DIESEL–ONLY, 2023
Schiefe Zähne, Berlin, DE
Exhibition views

Philipp Simon, IR2.2PI, 2023
pencil on paper, hand-made frame, museum glass
43 × 60 × 2,4 cm (Drawing 29,7 × 42 cm)

TARGET GROUP SHOW, Braunsfelder, Cologne, Germany
Exhibition views

Philipp Simon Untitled, 2023 (Detail)
TARGET GROUP SHOW, Braunsfelder, Cologne, Germany

Philipp Simon, Nürnberg (detail), 2019
mixed media
dimensions variable
Max Ruf, Philipp Simon
Dialogue n°2: Max Ruf & Philipp Simon
Lo Brutto Stahl, Paris, France
March 28 – May 4, 2024

Philipp Simon
November 11, 2023 – January 12, 2024

Philipp Simon
Incomplete Nature
Kirchgasse Gallery, Steckborn, Germany
September 4 – October 16, 2022

Will Benedict, Ladji Diaby, Angélique Heidler, Kitty Kraus, Maximilian Schneider, Philipp Simon, Leyla Yenirce
conveived by Hannes Schmidt / BRAUNSFELDER, Geisselstrasse 84 - 86, 50823 Cologne, Germany
March 11 – May 6, 2023

Philipp Simon
The Big Picture
June 26 – August 30, 2021

Victoria Colmegna, Tom Humphreys, Lukas Quietzsch, Richard Sides, Philipp Simon, Lise Soskolne, Angharad Williams
Schiefe Zähne hosted by Contemporary Fine Arts Grolmanstraße 32/33 10623 Berlin
March 29 – April 24, 2021

Philipp Simon
Philipp Simon
15 Orient Gallery, New York, USA
December 7, 2019 – February 2, 2020

Lukas Quietzsch, Philipp Simon
Leibliches Hören und sein Knecht
Kunstbunker Nürnberg, Nuremberg, Germany
June 15 – July 28, 2019

Philipp Simon
Die dritte Person
January 20 – March 23, 2018

Philipp Simon
Meet.Call.Rise.Sleep – Emotions in Times of Capitalism
A zone, Yunnan, China
January 8 – 29, 2016

Lukas Quietzsch, Philipp Simon
Garret Grimoire, Vienna
November 27 – December 27, 2015

Selected Press
Philipp Simon
born 1987, Berlin, Germany
lives and works in Berlin
Master of fine arts, Kunsthochschule Berlin-Weißensee
Academy of fine arts Vienna, Class of Prof. Birgit Megerle and Prof. Mona Hahn (exchange year)
Diploma of fine arts, Kunsthochschule Berlin-Weißensee, class of Prof. Antje Majewski
Solo and Two-Person Exhibitions
Liste Art Fair Basel (duo with Sarah Rosengarten), Basel, CH
Dialogue n°2: Max Ruf & Philipp Simon, Lo Brutto Stahl, Paris, FR -
DIESEL–ONLY, Schiefe Zähne, Berlin, DE
Incomplete Nature, Kirchgasse Gallery, Steckborn, CH
The Big Picture, Schiefe Zähne, Berlin, DE
[no title], 15 Orient Gallery, New York, USA
synthetic, access, Italy, Rollaversion, London, UK
Leibliches Hören und sein Knecht, with Lukas Quietzsch, Kunstbunker, Nuremberg, DE -
Die dritte Person, Schiefe Zähne, Berlin, DE
Buffet der guten Zwecke, with Lukas Quietzsch, Kunstverein Freiburg, DE
Gefühle in Zeiten des Kapitalismus, tai project, Kunming, China
OK - I Love you, Real Positive, Cologne, DE -
Obey, with Lukas Quietzsch, Garret Grimoire, Vienna, AT
Reif, Kühlhaus, Berlin, DE
Group Exhibitions (selected)
Modeling, Lo Brutto Stahl, Paris, FR
Jahresgaben, Kunstverein Braunschweig, Braunschweig, DE
Familiar, Gauli Zitter, Brussels, BE
Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow Again, Binz39, Zürich, CH
The Ceremony, Judy's Death, Paris, FR -
Interests, Schiefe Zähne, Berlin, DE
Slow Dance (3), curated by Richard Sides and Luca Beeler, Stadtgalerie Bern, Bern, CH
Target Group Show, conceived by Hannes Schmidt, Braunsfelder, Cologne, DE -
Constellations in a Bubble, Kirchgasse, Steckborn, CH
Buffers, Schiefe Zähne invited by Contemporary Fine Arts (CFA), Berlin, DE -
Tokyo Detroit Berlin, Tokyo Arts and Space (Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolitan Foundation for History and Culture), Tokyo, JP
Work Together Stay Alive, curated by at Exile Gallery, Vienna, AT
Allergische Instrumente, for Max Ruf with Lukas Quietzsch, Liszt, Berlin, DE -
Shadows, The Wig temporary space by Richard Sides, Berlin, DE
Lovers and other spectres, Kingsgate Project Space, London, UK -
Look, all this is fraud, Milieu, Bern, CH
If it‘s right or wrong, it‘s probably right., W139, Amsterdam, NL
Der Schneckentraum, Suicidal Oil Piglet, Melbourne, AUS -
Hafenstraße, S-Bhf Hafenstraße, Berlin, DE
Schmausebold und Bleibefett, Real Positive, Cologne, DE
Life ist Life, Garret Grimoire, Berlin, DE -
Leben mit Kunst, Liszt, Berlin, DE
Colorado, public space, Zürich, CH
Hausordnung, HfbK Hamburg, DE
I‘ am so glad to see you!, BHROX, Berlin, DE -
No, it is opposition, Haus am Oranienplatz, Berlin, DE
Projects, Curatorial and Lecturing
Strategies of Space – Lectureship Universität der Künste, Berlin, Fashion Department, Berlin DE
Lectures at KHB Berlin and HfG Offenbach
Lecture in collaboration with Lukas Quietzsch at Akademie der Künste Nürnberg, DE
Lecture in collaboration with Lukas Quietzsch at Muthesius Kunsthochschule Kiel, DE
Co-Founder of L I S Z T, Artist-run space together with Monika Senz & Lukas Quietzsch, Berlin, DE |
Natur, science fiction novel, Korbinian Verlag, Berlin
Excerpts of the upcoming novel Natur and drawings in: Starship 20, ed. by Ariane Müller and Henrik Olesen, ISSN: 1619-2052 -
Drawings of the show Die dritte Person in: Nazi Knife #11, ed. by Hendrik Hegray & Jonas Delaborde, published by BATT COOP, Paris
Open Doors are Scary, Philipp Simon on 4chan, Edition of 300, AKV Berlin ISBN 978-3-944591-40-7
Insert in: The Happy Fainting of Painting, ed. by Hans-Jürgen Hafner & Gunter Reski, Düsseldorf, Köln (Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König); ISBN: 978-3-86335-670-5
shortlisted for Ars Viva Price
DAAD Grant for Gefühle in Zeiten des Kapitalismus at tai project, Kunming, China
Elsa-Neumann Grant (NaFöG, Berlin)